About me

I am an Associate Professor in the Business Analytics and Operations (BAO) area at the University of Pittsburgh, Katz Graduate School of Business. My research interests include behavioral operations, socially responsible supply chains, and nonprofit operations. Using controlled experiments, analytical models, and empirical data, I study topics such as how consumers and job seekers respond to information about sustainable practices; how managers can improve sustainability in their supply chains; and how donors react to nonprofits’ actions and metrics. I am also interested in the application of behavioral sciences to service operations, including queuing settings and two-sided markets.

Prior to joining Katz, I received a Ph.D. in Operations Management at MIT Sloan School of Management, a Master of Science in Engineering at Ecole Centrale Paris (currently CentraleSupélec), and a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering at University of Chile.


E-mail: lvaldes@katz.pitt.edu
